Do You Need An Attorney? Let's Talk.
As your probate and estate attorney, I help you with all of your legal needs when it comes to your estate. I can help you plan for the future, so your family and loved ones are taken care of.

Estate Planning
When minor children and others rely on you for their financial future, a seamless coordination of insurance, trusts or gifts and a will is required.
The winding up of your affairs is a technical legal process which allows you or your heirs to move forward unimpeded. An attorney who will give the process the necessary personal attention is a must.
Without a Will, the distribution of your remaining assets will be governed as a matter of law. To avoid such a result, everyone needs a will. Moreover, a Will usually simplifies probate and reduces administration.
A guardianship is a legal relationship where one person (known as the “guardian”) is given rights and responsibilities for the welfare of another (known as the “ward”). For example, if a relative or close friend is unable to make important decisions.